Committing to New Year’s Resolutions can be stressful. For me, just the thought of being able to take on any new habit for the next 365 days makes my head spin. This year I started by thinking about some cool stuff that I would be proud to say at the end of 2020, “Yeah. I did that!” Instead of having a high-pressure “resolutions” mindset, I came up with a list of new things to try in 2020.
One of my goals for 2020 is to get better at thinking long. I sure do love to celebrate, so this year I’m going to take on a challenge or two that I can give a real big hooray about in 12 months once they’re completed.
A friend of mine completed a 52-hike challenge in 2019, going on one hike a week. A cool aspect of this challenge is that you can “bank” hikes if you do more than one in a week. That way if there’s a busy week at work or a week of bad weather you don’t have to give up the challenge over a missed week.
This got me thinking that, if I could use the same tactic and credit myself a few extras for a later date, what personal challenges could I complete in 2020? So I started coming up with ideas and compiled a list of 100+ New Year’s Resolutions, that are more like new things to try in 2020. Obviously I’m not going to do them all. I have a few that I’m particularly leaning towards, but I thought I’d share the whole list to maybe inspire you as well.
100+ New Year’s Resolutions for 2020
Health and Wellness New Year’s Resolutions
Take a yoga class every week in 2020
Cut sugar from your diet
Go for a 20-minute walk every day
Grow your own herbs
Take the 52-hike challenge
Go organic
Drink enough water each day
Spend time outside every day
Go to the gym once a week
Make a sleep goal
Get weekly massages
Take a daily vitamin
Go gluten-free
Run in a race a month
Eat an apple a day
Train for and complete a Mud Run
Personal Growth New Year’s Resolution Ideas
Write in a journal every day for a year
Don’t complain
Use kind words
Repeat daily positive affirmations
Read for 20 minutes a day
Hug and kiss your kids every day (this is harder as they get older!)
Make a personal connection with a different Facebook or Instagram friend each week.
Take the 365-Day Happiness Challenge
Meditate every day for a year
Write down your weekly goals
Stop comparing
Read the morning paper
Begin each day with a to-do list
Finish each day by writing something kind, positive, or cheerful about each of your kids
Send a kind text to someone every day
Donate monthly to an organization that you feel strongly about
Don’t gossip
Write in a gratitude journal every day for a year
Stop trying to be perfect
Be more environmentally conscious
Write a letter to someone every week
Create a box of memories for the year. Kind of like a time capsule!
Write thank-you notes for all gifts
Resolutions to Improve your Finances in 2020
Take the 52-week money saving challenge
Do a 12-month budget challenge
Eat out no more than once a week
Start a side hustle
Join a couponing Facebook group and start clipping!
Save your coins all year and cash them in in December (hello, Christmas money!)
Check out The Budget Mom’s 12 months of savings. There is a different thing you do each month to save money. Each month is a different challenge!
Save for a trip and pay for it in cash
Bring your lunch to work every day
Things to Learn in 2020
Learn a new language
Learn a new word every day
Learn to quilt
Read a book a week in 2020
Take a class
Learn to sew
Learn to code
Learn to play an instrument
Learn to do hand lettering
Digital things to try in 2020
Take a Photo every day
Start a Facebook group
Use an app like 1SE to document 1 second of every day in video
Make a video or vlog every day
Write a blog post every day for a year – like a digital diary!
Turn off technology (phone, computer, TV) for an hour a day
New Things to Try in 2020 Around the House
Organize your home in 52 weeks
Cook with a new food each week
Keep your room clean
Alternatively, if you have kids, be ok with the mess
Schedule weekly “me time”
Hold a weekly family meeting
Try a new Pinterest project each week
Cook as a family one night a week
Keep a plant alive for a year (you laugh, but this is impossible for some of us! *cough* *me*)
Fun Things to Try in 2020
Volunteer an hour a week
Take your dog for a walk in a new place every week
Date your spouse every week in 2020. Check out Friday We’re in Love and Intentional by Grace for inspiration
Watch one award-winning movie a week
Go to a concert a month
Choose a word to live by this year
Each month, have a “Mommy and Me” date with each of your kids
Write weekly notes of encouragement and appreciation to friends and family
Complete 365 random acts of kindness
Take yourself on a date once a week
Make every birthday present you give
Visit a different museum each month
Write a bucket list of weekend adventures, then go do them!
Visit one new place in town each week
Use a different scent in your diffuser each month
Do something creative every day
Read with your kids every night
Host a monthly dinner party or gathering
Set aside one night a week for family fun
Jump in every puddle you see, all year
Make a playlist of songs for each month
Faith-Based Resolutions for 2020
Pray for 15 minutes a day
Tithe monthly
Read your Bible every day in 2020 (I was *so close* to finishing this! I missed just a few days)
Volunteer in your church
Learn a new Bible verse every day in 2020
Go to church every week
Learn a new worship song every week – bonus if you can play it on an instrument!
Read the whole Bible in one year
Attend a Bible study or home group
Take the 2020 Christian Challenge and get daily scripture, reflection questions, and monthly prayer prompts