If you want to have more free time and improve your time management, all you need to do is list 3 things.
When you start your day, take a few minutes and list 3 things that you have to get done during the course of the day. They can be any 3 things, but they must be things that you can get done in one day. Think of this list like a daily to do list. And just like a useful to do list, there are some guidelines that will help make your list successful.
Be specific. “Clean” or “Study chemistry” are too vague. To be sure that you are getting the most important stuff done, only write what MUST be cleaned or studied today. A more specific item on the list would be “Clean the kitchen floor” or “Read chapter 6 for chemistry class”. Maybe it would feel better to have an entire clean kitchen or to have memorized the table of elements, but is it really necessary to do all that in one day?
Be reasonable. Don’t just jot down any task. It has to be a task that you can (and will) complete today. When you are wedding planning, “Hire a photographer” is not likely to get done in one day, because there would need to be interviews or face-to-face meetings that you can’t expect to take place in one day. So narrow down your task to something you can do today that will bring you closer to finding the right photographer. Something like “call possible photographers for pricing and availability” would be more reasonable. “Interview photographer” can go on another day’s list.
Do those things ASAP. Don’t procrastinate. Attack them with all your energy because as soon as they are checked off your list, the day is yours. All the minutes left in it can be used surfing Pinterest or liking posts on Facebook, which is much more enjoyable that completing tasks. So go get them done already!
Praise yourself for a job well done! YES, you have to actually check off each thing you got done. It’s a way of physically acknowledging that you did it. It sets you in a positive frame of mind. At the end of the day (or the next morning, as you write down the next 3 things), take a moment to remind yourself that you did some good stuff today.
Your time is valuable. Each minute that passes is another minute that you can never get back. At the end of the day, will you truly be satisfied with how you spent all your time? When you focus on using your time more wisely, you become more purposeful in what you choose to do each day. Here is an easy way to increase personal productivity and maintain focus, and ultimately finding more time for the things you want to do. Like looking at photos of cats saying funny things and using awful spelling errors.
For more time management tips, check out these posts:
7 Tips to Help You Manage Your Time Each Day
Why You Never have Enough Time in the Day