Last year I thought I’d write a blog post all about the adventures the girls would have when they turned 6, and I’d title it “Now We Are 6” like the A. A. Milne book. But that didn’t happen. Instead, this year I’ll look back at six full years of raising twins. We have all grown so much in such a short amount of time. So now we are 7. 7 years of enjoying life and the blessings that come with raising twins.
We like to dress up fancy.

We mostly get into mischief together.

We don’t like to sleep alone.

We are best friends.

This weekend my little unexpected dizygotes rounded out their sixth year of life on this earth. And what a fine six years we have had! I look forward to many more adventures with these silly bugs. Happy birthday, babies.
Love, Mommy.

Check out these other posts on raising twins:
When I was Expecting Twins I wondered…
Raising Adventurous Children
A Mom can Always Tell Her Twins Apart
Advice from a Twin Mom (Who’s Been There)