Peeking in on my babies while they sleep, I wonder at what adventures they’re having in their dreams. Some parents want to give their kids everything that money can buy, and that’s great. For me, I want to give my kids a joyful childhood filled with the experiences that dance in their memories while they sleep. We’re raising adventurous children one exciting day at a time.

7 Things You Do When Raising Adventurous Children
Take Note of the Little Things
The ladybug without any spots. The leaf that’s shaped like an ice cream cone. The hole in the ground that may or may not contain a playful gopher. Kids see them, these little details all around us. Open your eyes to nature’s nuances, and share the excitement of wildlife with your kids.
Encourage Imagination
That’s not just a discarded piece of brown paper sack. It could be an invisible treasure map! Give their little imaginations space and freedom to think beyond what they see and create unexplored worlds.
Make Time
The hard truth is that in order to live out great memories, we as parents have to make time for them in our complicated, important lives. Vacations are the ideal place to experience free-spirited fun, but you don’t have to have a lot of time to foster new experiences. You just need enough time to stop and think about what adventures could be had right where you are.

Set an Example
Get out there and try new things yourself. On our walls we have photos of Mommy and Daddy riding river rapids, and posing at the top of a mountain.We are no strangers to adventure, and our kids know that. It’s easy for children to be courageous if they know their parents are right there with them.
Praise, Praise, Praise!
Every little step of adventure is something to celebrate. When I’m on a hike with my kids, I know they’re going to love our end destination. But the trek there loses its novelty pretty quickly. The kids can only get excited about forests and moss for so long. So I shift their focus to things that keep them moving and having fun while they’re doing it.
“See that fallen log over there? Can you walk across it and keep your balance? Hooray! You did it!”
Take Lots of Pictures and Tell Lots of Stories
We relive our adventures in the pictures we take along the way. In fact, my most solid childhood memories are the ones that have stood the test of time in photographs. Kids love when you retell the stories of their experiences because they get to have the leading role in the familiar tales of their past. Telling them stories of the things they have done and they places they’ve been to is also a great way to soothe them at bed time.
My hope for you and your family is that you seize whatever day you have in front of you. Find the joy in the little things and be the first to try something new.