At times they will drive you crazy. But raising toddler twins isn’t all tantrums and food fights. They are also the most lovable, most adorable pudgy-cheeked little people at times. They will drive you bonkers, but you will treasure them and never want them to grow up.
10 lessons I learned from my toddler twins
Having toddler twins will make errands just that much more of a challenge. Because unless all stores have double shopping carts (which they don’t), both will want to ride in the front part of the cart. Or one will want to ride until you put her in the seat, and then she’ll want out and her sister will refuse to get in. What will most likely be the case is the store you go to won’t have carts and you will spend your shopping trip chasing after two tiny hoodlums and praying that they stay together.
Everywhere you go people will be admiring your adorable little ones and stopping to talk to them. These strangers have no idea that just a few minutes ago one of your twins was trying to yank all the balls out of one of those big ball pens in the middle of the aisle and her sister was sobbing because you won’t buy her Elsa stickers. All they see is an angelic, cute little toddler — and another one just like her!
Unreasonable mealtime arguments are multiplied:
Mommy: “Here are your sandwiches.”
Twin A: “I want the BLUE plate!”
Mommy: “You wanted purple yesterday. Your sandwich is on the purple plate.”
Twin A: “BLUE!”
Mommy: “You already have purple. The blue one is dirty. You get purple. See? Purple is pretty!”
Twin A: (smiling) “Pretty purple!”
Mommy starts to sit down with her lunch.
Twin B: “I want a fork!”
Mommy: Sigh “You don’t need a fork. It’s a sandwich.”
Twin B: “FORK!!!”
They will also be the best of friends, even at the table. There’s not much that can compete with the endearing mealtime conversation between two toddlers. The best part about their little dinner discussions is that, while most of your friends have no idea what they’re saying, Mommy and Daddy do.
Having two of everything is not always enough. You can have a thousand Thomas the Tank Engines and one twin will need them all. So will her sister.
They won’t hesitate to take care of one another. They will stick up for their sibling as if our country’s freedom depended upon it. Don’t mess with a twin who wants to go down the slide that is “yours”. Her sister will bring justice to the playground.
You will provide them with creative play toys, like blocks or train sets. They will beg you to create something for them. Then they will instantly team up against you to destroy it and want you to make another one.
Twins come with a built-in companion to play invented games with. By the time they are toddlers, they will occasionally entertain themselves in games with rules that only they understand.
They will watch Yo Gabba Gabba over and over. And those dorky bands who sing hippy tunes about washing your hands will be stuck in your head the rest of the day.
Bonus: The same songs will get stuck in their heads and you will be blessed with the audio of such toddler classics like “The Bisty Bisty Spidow” in stereo.