The girls turned 10 months recently., they’re getting so big! Looking back, that 9-months marker was when we really started to see their little personalities develop.
Both babies have only 2 teeth. They’re the front 2 on the bottom row. They came in almost 3 months ago and inspired this post. I think it’s hilarious that for 3 months, these are the only teeth that have come in. They’re big, huge front teeth, too! My big boy is worried that his sisters will have buck teeth. I guess that’s a big concern for a ‘tween?
We are starting to have some serious sibling rivalry between them already. The major issue is that babies just don’t get the concept of sharing. One baby will want something that the other one has, so she will just go and take it. They’ve been yanking each other’s pacifiers out of their sister’s mouth, swiping each other’s bottle- you name it! It is getting a little frustrating. Almost every time one baby has a toy, the other one is soon taking it away. I’m always close by and I know that ‘she took my toy’ screech, so I usually return the toy and offer the thieving baby another toy. My mom said that when we were younger she handled sharing issues by distracting the baby with another item, since babies are too young to know that they can’t have something that someone else is using. This pic shows pretty clearly who the major toy thief is.
Would you believe that they are getting into everything? It’s definitely keeping me on my toes. I’ve dedicated 2 drawers in the kitchen to baby-safe items for them to explore and unpack while I’m working on meals. The rest of the cupboards are off-limits.
But their favorite place to play is, of course, in the bathroom. Babies would choose the least sanitary room in the house as their favorite hang-out spot. Here they are playing a game of open/shut the door.
They are so vocal now!
I’ve had to keep finding new places to store the broom because out of all the expensive and thoughtfully-chosen, developmentally-appropriate toys, they will do anything to get to the broom. I thought the bathroom was a great place until I realized that they never miss an opportunity to get in there.
Oh, and these things?
Not helpful in our apartment. The girls can pull them right out of the electric sockets.
I can’t wait to see what they will be up to next month!