We frequently hold family movie night around here. I love when a family movie can both move me to tears and make me proud to be a girl. Troop Zero does both of those things. The movie comes to Amazon Prime Video starting January 17th, and you won’t want to miss it!
Troop Zero celebrates the quirky, a personality trait that, if we’re honest, we all have demonstrated at one time or another. The characters are far from “average”. The heroine, Christmas Flint, hopes to win the Birdies Scouts jamboree and have her recorded voice projected into space as part of the prize. Viola Davis, who plays Christmas’s father’s secretary/right-hand-woman Rayleen, is challenged with wrangle the ragtag pals into a formal troop. Thankfully, each troop member’s quirkiness makes them specially equipped for earning their own unique patch.
The Troop Zero Crew
It was Christmas’s idea to form a troop in the first place, in order to send her welcome message to space for the aliens to hear. She needed at least 4 members, so she enlisted a few other kids from school who, like her, didn’t really fit in. Her BFF Charlie was the obvious first choice, although his addition was highly controversial for the formerly girls-only scouts organization. Next to join were the aggressive Hell-No, her sidekick Smash, and a one-eyed evangelist named Anne-Claire. Together they sell cookies, earn badges, and camp out in the wilderness. They didn’t start out as friends, but through their hardship they learn to cling to each other for strength.
Why Your Family Should See Troop Zero
If you want a good laugh, you will get a kick out of this movie. It’s filled with one-line zingers and funny situations that will absolutely warm your heart. But even more than that, Troop Zero is an empowering movie. The message of resilience is an inspiration for kids, or even adults, to persevere until their big dreams become reality. Christmas wants to send a message into outer space so her mom, who passed away and lives among the stars, can hear her. Charlie would rather choreograph dances than catch a football. Everyone is afraid of Hell-No (and her fists), but in Troop Zero she lets down her guard, shows her empathetic side, and finds real friendship. Troop Zero is a place where kids can be who they are, without fear of judgement. I think we could use a little more of that in the world.
Special note for families with young children: Troop Zero is set in 1970’s Georgia. The culture and dialogue of the movie is true to the time period. That being said, there is some mild language. If your family has conservative values, I am sure you already preview anything that your kids watch.
Click here to download the entire Troop Zero activity packet and discussion guide, including the activities below and the crossword answers.