As of August first, Pop Warner football has officially begun. We are now committed to 3-hour practices Monday through Friday and something football-related every weekend from now until the end of time mid-November.
Last season I stayed through all of the 3-hour practices. At the start of practice, we were out in the scorching hot late afternoon sun, which would set and leave us cold and in the dark by 8:00 at night. I usually wore shorts and sunglasses but would bring a blanket and a sweatshirt for the end. Me and the other moms still joke about southern California weather and how you may leave home in shorts but you’ll be going home in a jacket! ALSO, I am absolutely positive that our field is next to a mosquito factory or something because I always go home with new bites every evening.
This season I’m not at the field quite as much. I blame babies. I’m sure they wouldn’t mind staying for a whole practice, but it’s a lot of work on poor Mommy to keep them corralled on a blanket. They like being outside but it’s really hard for me to handle all that baby chaos for a whole practice. We either go for the first half or come late and stay until the end. They just love being outside and all the attention the other moms give them!
In truth, I really look forward to Pop Warner season. I enjoy watching the kids work hard and improve during their practices, and the games are a lot of fun. We have dedicated coaches, and the moms on the sidelines are enjoyable to talk to. It’s a great way to get involved with people in the community.
As always, I’ll keep posting all that’s new in Rushed Mommy-Land, which means more football and “twinfo” in the months to come.