This morning I was in a particularly disgruntled mood. As I was getting ready for work this morning (at an ridiculously early, dark hour), my mind was totally absorbed in complaints and discontentment. I was feeling sick of spending every day so exhausted. I was also feeling grouchy towards moms I don’t even know (any and all SAHMs-sorry ladies!) because they are fortunate enough to stay home with their kids and don’t have to leave them with a sitter while they work all day.
But I got over it. Pretty quickly, actually! It happened when my daily verse came in from my phone app:
Proverbs 18:12 Before a downfall the heart is haughty,
but humility comes before honor.
Yeah, I needed that.
Lately I’ve forgotten all about my One Word for 2013: Faith. I’ve become caught up in my busy life and the fact that things are not all that bad for us right now. We’re not broke, everyone is in good health, we don’t have any real problems. It’s times of life such as this when I forget that I need God. It’s easy to be strong in the Lord when I am in need. When I’m freaking out about not having money to put food on the table or gas in the car, I have no problem going to God throughout the day. But when life is calm and there is no real need, that sense of panic subsides and my relationship with God falls to the wayside as I focus more on me and my daily life.
After reevaluating my situation, I came up with many positives:
- I have a job (and so does my husband!)
- We are all healthy
- We like each other
- We have friends and a social life
- We are safe
When you look at things in this light, I’m pretty spoiled! This helped me to get away from all that negative thinking, too.
So, really, this post is just meant to put it out into the void that is the internet that I still know where my heart belongs (although I need to be reminded every now and then), and am doing my best to be my best. That is really all I can do.