When the girls were small, every outing was a big ordeal. Packing double the stuff into diaper bags, zipping up 2 jackets, transporting 2 babies in and out of the car and through the store… Leaving the house was exhausting! Other parents of twins would look on with empathy as I juggled all the babies and baby things. They always smiled and assured me not to worry, it gets easier.
Around about the 5th month the girls no longer howled on car trips. They were able to entertain themselves. They would be happy to hang out on the floor and watch a baby movie. So things DID get just a little bit easier. I could put on makeup or fix my hair while they played or watched a movie. We could have a pleasant family day out or go grocery shopping without cringing in the car the whole time. From there, they learned to crawl and get into cupboards and drawers. We stocked the lower kitchen shelves with things we didn’t mind them pulling out and playing with and they entertained themselves while I made dinner. It hasn’t been a breeze raising twins as a working mom, but every day it does get a little bit easier.
Just knowing that other parents have been through what I was going through (and they survived to tell the tale!) was a huge comfort to me. So if you are in the midst of new baby twin craziness, let me assure you: It does get easier!
I’m so glad those parents of twins were telling the truth and not just trying to make me feel better! But you know what? They were right. And now that my twins are older, I’m offering the same glimmer of hope to mommas of new baby twins.