In the midst of personal struggle, it is so easy to fixate on the terrible things at hand and forget all about the wonderful things that we can be thankful for.
For good friends who have been by my side when times are tough. Friends who seem to mostly get calls and texts from me when I need prayer and support. Thank you, ladies. I truly value your ongoing concern for me and my family.
When I asked my class what they did this weekend, and one boy said, “I went to the laundromat. I helped wash laundry.” And you know what? I wouldn’t be surprised if that is all he did in one day. I’ve seen where these kids come from (this one in particular. I took Toys for Tots gifts to his home), and the Laundromat is a biweekly, full-day event. What we have is not much, but it is safe and comfortable. I’m thankful for our apartment, that it still fits all 6 of us. I’m thankful that we can leave our car in the parking lot and it doesn’t get broken into. I’m thankful that the laundry unit is close to our home. Although I’ve been known to moan and complain about how much I hate living in apartments, our situation could be a lot worse.
I want to give thanks for my amazing parents. They sacrificed for me and my 5 siblings when we were young. That should be enough, but they are still the first to respond when one of us are in trouble. Thanks Mom and Dad.
I am thankful for a good job that pays the bills and involves doing what I love: teaching.
I’m thankful for the blessing of health. The 6 of us are all very healthy. There is rarely a ‘bug’ going through our family, and when you have to work, this is huge.
I am thankful for freedom and opportunities. My husband is going to college, a thing that many can’t afford to do. My oldest participates in sports, acting, music, a Mandarin class, and belongs to a great youth group. We have the opportunity to travel and visit family or go on (small) adventures together.
I can honestly give thanks for sleep. I have a new baby who, thank heavens, sleeps wonderfully because one thing I am NOT good at is keeping a good attitude when I haven’t had much sleep. With this baby, Mommy wakes up refreshed and ready for a full day of work and caring for her family. That’s pretty cool.
And finally I’m thankful for life. I have seen some beautiful things in my life, and hope to live out each day with joy. Every day is special.
A good friend reminded me this week, as I was wallowing in my own despair and self-pity, that I have a lot to be thankful for. Another friend shared with me the struggle she is having and also how her best friend is losing her husband to cancer. I needed to hear these things. They were my wake-up call to knock it off, put on a smile, and take life one day at a time. It truly brightens your spirits to focus on the positive.
I would love to hear what you are thankful for. Please give thanks and share with me in the comments.