Are you having a baby? Are you like me and discovered you were pregnant with twins?
Ok, here’s the scoop on childbirth and twin pregnancies. Your OBGYN will gladly schedule you for a cesarean if that is what you want. If you prefer a vaginal delivery, you need 2 things: A doctor who will permit it, and babies who are in the right position.
Not all doctors feel comfortable delivering twins vaginally because it can be risky. Check with your doctor and make sure a vaginal delivery is something he will do.
Even if your doctor supports your desire for a vaginal delivery, there’s no guarantee that he will be at the hospital on the day you deliver ( unless you plan to induce). In that case, the OBGYN on duty may not feel safe with a vaginal delivery. Or the Baby B may flip around after A is out, and you’ll need a C-Section anyway.
Another thing to consider is the position of the babies. If they are both head-down, a vaginal delivery is very possible. If the lower baby (Baby A) is head-down but the other isn’t, it’s possible that Baby B could be turned around and delivered vaginally. If both babies are head-up or lying sideways like an equals sign you will need a C-Section in order for them to be delivered safely.
So basically be prepared to have a C-Section but make your preference clear to your OBGYN. Good luck and feel free to share your experience in the comments.